Imagine having all the elements of an exciting new community brand at your fingertips, ready to deliver to key economic development prospects. That’s the powerful competitive advantage you get with BRANDCOMMAND™ from Insyteful.

BRANDCOMMAND is a proprietary branding process Insyteful designed exclusively for smaller to mid-sized communities like yours. It’s also a high performance package, loaded with marketing and communication tools you can use every day.

A unique logo and tagline. Key selling messages. Target audiences (with targeted messaging). Digital and prints ads. Graphic standards. Even a 20-second elevator speech that sums up your strongest sales pitch – so everyone in your organization can “sing from the same hymnal.”

Insyteful’s BRANDCOMMAND typically takes three- to six-months, from initial kickoff meeting and site visit to delivery of a 35- to 40-page BRANDCOMMAND PLAN. Its mission is to launch your community into economic development orbit.

Here Is a summary of the ten major components of Insyteful’s BRANDCOMMAND.

To discover the true voice and greatest appeal of a community, there is no substitute for “boots on the ground.” Our branding journey begins with quality time in your community, listening to key stakeholders, seeing the sites (and sights), talking to everyday folks on the street. Our mission is to build a core understanding that will later translate into powerful, personalized branding that gives you a competitive advantage.

Based on our personal interviews and in-depth research, you receive a strategic analysis that sharply defines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that your community faces today. It’s a realistic roadmap that designed to ensure that our journey forward stays focused and productive.

Your BRANDCOMMAND E-Survey is written with the respondent in mind. We make it easy and simple. It’s also brief, just twenty to twenty-five questions. Typically, the style changes every five questions. Each survey is an interesting mix of multiple choice, true and false, fill in the blank, etc. The goal is to mine quality insights and opinions. To ensure that we collect honest, candid data, survey-goers are assured their E-Survey is anonymous. However, group results can be easily segmented to help you analyze views from board members or participants from business, government, education and more.

Smart strategy begins with the end in mind. That’s what generates maximum efficacy. How do you draw exponentially more traffic to your website? Even better, how can you book on-site visits from company owners, CEO’s or site selectors? How can you differentiate and elevate your community from thousands of others with the same goals? Brand strategy is a course of action that answers those questions for your community.

You will drive better results if you consistently deliver the most effective brand messages about your community. Which ones sell the hardest? Which ones have the greatest personal or business appeal? Ranking and targeting your messaging keeps it focused. The BRANDCOMMAND PLAN helps you find your key brand messages.

If you found yourself on an elevator ride with an ideal prospect for your community’s economic development plan, what would you say? BRANDCOMMAND will tell you. Our 20- to 30-second elevator speech makes sure you and anyone in your organization can deliver the most effective sales message when it counts.

Every community should own a brand tagline that summarizes its most appealing sales promise. BRANDCOMMAND explores numerous options and avenues to help you identify that promise. Your community tagline is important. It’s a stake in the ground – what separates you from 3,300 other economic development organizations across the U.S. Creating this unique brand promise is the core mission of the BRANDCOMMAND PLAN. Your team, stakeholders and community members play an integral role in helping to identify and develop this critical element in your marketing program.

What are the optimal colors for your community logo? Are the colors contemporary? Do they manifest your brand personality? Insyteful’s creative team is deeply experienced in design and graphic standards for the economic development space. For you, that means striking, powerful visual branding that makes sure your community stands out in a crowd. Want to collect the votes or opinions of key players on tagline or logo options? Additional E-Surveys are a quick, cost-effective option to build group consensus.

Insyteful explores all forms of paid and unpaid media to deliver your message where it’s most effective. All forms of communication are evaluated and integrated, from print and digital ads to social posts to sensational videos. Have five key prospects? We can create spectacular, personalized mailers. A flagship website may be your most important sales tool. Good news: That’s one of Insyteful strongest skill sets, especially in the critical area of SEO effectiveness to draw visitors to your website.

When the groundwork is done – site visits, interviews, E-Surveys, strategy, creative options and more – the full branding process is encapsulated in a 35- to 40-page BRANDCOMMAND PLAN. It begins with an executive overview that highlights top line insights, results and strategy. All surveys are presented with data for each question, plus whichever segmented results you wish to include. There are sections explaining strategy, key brand messages, tagline and logo development and final results, target audiences and tactics and tools to launch the brand.

BRANDCOMMAND from Insyteful is an investment in the success of your community. It’s created by dedicated specialists with deep experience in economic development branding and marketing. We know the value of attracting quality companies (and also retaining them). Most importantly, we understand how to brand and sell communities to their optimal prospects. Insyteful is ready and willing to begin that work, and that journey, with your organization.

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